Legal Indian 2019
Porcupine quills and felt blanket
A’su’n (Aa-suun) 2019
“Blanket”Porcupine quills and felt
Recontextualizing and exploring the Hudson Bay Blanket identity with the addition of quillwork embroidery (Traditionally used by Mi'kmaq peoples.)The Hudson Bay Blanket is a Canadian staple, well known for its history in the trade. It played the spread of smallpox and the construction of the colonial Canadian identity.
This work is about reclaiming, researching material processes, and decolonization. This work progressed into Tryptic series of quill worked blankets, which featured the Mi’Kmaq flag, the 8-pointed star, and the work ANGO’TG (To care for).
With this series, I am highlighting the eight-pointed star, an essentia symbol to Mi'kmaq people, which centers the earth, human and celestial.
While also highlighting the Hudson Bay Pinstriped blanket and its approbation of colors inspired by the eight-pointed star and the blanket on the right showcasing the Mi'kmaq flag after contact with colonization then had adopted the Christain religion to survive.